Friday, 27 April 2012

WEEK NINE REFLECTIONS (23/4/2012 – 27/4/2012)


This week’s tutorial sessions were sorely devoted to conducting my first essay test for the students. As such, practically no teaching took place. As for my lecture, I was able to wrap up the topic on pre-war nationalism in Vietnam and thereby completed the minimum ‘A’ level requirements of teaching three countries (in this case Indonesia, Burma and Vietnam) for the topic on pre-war nationalism in Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, I realised that I might not be able to complete the case study of the Philippines during my last week of practicum, therefore the need to request for my Cooperating Teacher’s assistance to wrap up the lesson on my behalf. Certainly, the imminent end of practicum could turn out to be more disruptive than initially expected, especially when we finally grew into de facto full-fledged teachers over the ten weeks.
Project Work
For PW this week, the focus was on reiterating the requirements of the Group Project Proposal and providing useful hints and tips on how to refine the students’ preliminary ideas.

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